While natural gas supply remains an essential energy source, we use our knowledge and expertise to develop future scenarios providing the Netherlands with sustainable energy. We focus on repurposing our existing assets and exploring various (collaboration) solutions to contribute to a sustainable future. As part of the transition NGT researches possibilities for CO2 reduction. Existing pipelines can also be repurposed to transport CO2 into empty gasfields offshore.
For NGT, the transition of gas signifies a shift from natural gas to hydrogen gas. We develop various future scenarios, summarized in our transition roadmap.

We are continuously researching new ways to contribute to the energy transition.
Repurpose offshore infrastructure
According to our certifying authority, NGTs pipelines are considered 'Fit for Purpose'. NGT follows a path to becoming fully certified. NGT, in turn, could provide pure H2 into the hydrogen backbone, allowing Gasunie to fill the system.

Offshore hydrogen backbone
Offshore wind generates electricity that can be converted to hydrogen via seawater electrolysis and then transported via existing gas pipelines. Transporting these hydrogen molecules is cheaper than transporting electrons via new electricity cables from wind farms on the North Sea to land, especially if production occurs further offshore.
NGTs pipelines can be operational to transport hydrogen around 2030 and accommodate about 10-14 Gigawatt of offshore wind facilitating the Netherlands in achieving its climate goals. NGT has always operated as an open access gas transportation system, treating all operators - requesting transportation services from a connected location to Uithuizen - equally. For hydrogen transportation, NGT will apply the same principle for bringing hydrogen ashore, ensuring a level playing field for all wind farm operators who convert offshore electricity into hydrogen.

Blended transition
NGT is first and foremost a natural gas transportation company. With Groningen closing and our dependency on imports - with the associated geopolitical risks - increasing, Dutch offshore natural gas plays a bridging role in the transition to a sustainable energy supply. The Dutch small fields policy should continue to be embraced. However, NGT uses not all of its capacity to transport natural gas, and this remaining capacity can be used for hydrogen transport; simultaneously with natural gas.
Blue hydrogen
Blue hydrogen enables a fast and affordable energy transition. Blue hydrogen is produced from natural gas, and by adding steam, hydrogen and CO2 are created. If the CO2 is captured and stored underground, the process is considered carbon-neutral, and the resulting hydrogen is called blue hydrogen.
NGT is researching the feasibility of a blue hydrogen factory at its treatment plant in Uithuizen.
Developing new expertise, services and supply chain
NGT continuously researches and develops new ways to contribute to the energy chain. There is not one answer; we need to broaden our scope. Methods of hydrogen transport and options we research are:
- Conversion
- Blend/mix
- Separation
- Buffering
- Re(routing)
- Offshore storage
Opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions
NGT is continuously looking at opportunities further reduce the emissions and CO2 footprint on all our assets, offshore and onshore.
Find out more about our research & development activities.