NGT is looking into different scenarios to repurpose its assets. In addition to developing solutions for transport of Hydrogen, we also explore the opportunities for CCS. NGT is currently evaluating which pipelines can be repurposed for the transportation of CO2 (in so-called dense phase).
Repurpose leads to significant cost advantages.
Repurposing for CCS
According to NGT repurpose leads to significant cost advantages and a reduction in the space requirements in the North Sea. In addition, repurposing can accelerate the connection of new storage locations as there are existing pipelines, such as the pipeline from K6 to L10, that could be used to connect into the Aramis system.
Given NGTs track record in gas transportation, we can also take on this role to be a valuable player in the existing CCS projects. In addition to repurposing gas pipelines for CO2, NGT is experienced and very well equipped to install necessary new CO2 pipelines.